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Over The Counter (OTC) refers to the process of how securities are traded via a broker-dealer network as opposed to on a centralized exchange. Over The Counter (OTC) trading can involve equities, debt instruments, and derivatives, which are financial contracts that derive their value from an underlying asset such as a commodity.

The equities that trade via Over The Counter (OTC) are not only small companies. Some well-known large companies are listed in Over The Counter (OTC) markets.

Retail investors must execute their transactions (buy and sell orders) through a registered broker-dealer.

Over The Counter (OTC) provides access to securities not available in Stock exchanges such as bonds, ADRs, and derivatives.

Fewer regulations on the Over The Counter (OTC) allow the entry of many companies who cannot, or choose not to, list on other Stock exchanges.

Through the trade of low-cost, penny stock, speculative investors can earn significant returns.

Our vision is to develop a strong and efficient financial market with liquidity and transparency, that can effectively put investors in touch with one another for investment opportunities. Moreover, to work on being the pioneer in the region.

Our mission is to develop an effective and fair platform for trading with high transparency, one that can provide financial and investment services efficiently for all, with a focus on excellence in each service we provide.

This service is based on a commission, not a subscription.

1. Registration

       Based on your selection of being a buyer or a seller.

        · Seller registration:

           - Start profile creation (username & password).

           - Add company information.

        · Buyer registration:

             You have to fill in all fields needed and the amount that will be invested.

2. Login to the website.

3. Now you can start.

If you forget your password, you can contact us from here.

The client’s password is protected by a high-security standard - compatible with e-banking password security.

Our clients’ data is confidential. We use it to call our clients to explain the process and confirmation. 

For any inquiries, please contact us:

Phone: 16699

Email: [email protected]

You can find opportunities in a closed and secure environment, and to accelerate the typical  deal-making process by offering a private online space to connect, build their network, and share deals across borders.

OTC stands for Over The Counter. Through this portal, trades are negotiated directly between the buyer and the seller. It does not provide a public order book listing all the trades. This enables large sums to move quietly, without the potential to disrupt markets.

No, there is no trial because there is no subscription for this service.